Setup Your Environment
- Ensure you have Node.js installed on your system, as it provides the runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside the browser.
- Choose an appropriate code editor like Visual Studio Code or any other of your preference, which supports JavaScript development.
Explore AccuWeather API Key and Endpoints
- Identify the necessary APIs you require for your weather forecast data, typically including endpoints for querying city locations, current conditions, and forecasts.
- Generate or retrieve your AccuWeather API key, which will be used for authentication in your API requests.
Import Required Modules
- Consider using modern JavaScript libraries like Axios for making HTTP requests. Axios is a promise-based HTTP client, which simplifies asynchronous calls to the API.
// Importing the axios library for HTTP requests
const axios = require('axios');
Fetch Location Key
- AccuWeather requires a location key to fetch weather data for a specific location. Use the location search endpoint to get the key by passing the city or region name.
async function getLocationKey(city) {
const locationUrl = `${apiKey}&q=${city}`;
try {
const response = await axios.get(locationUrl);
const locationKey =[0].Key;
return locationKey;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching location key:', error);
return null;
Retrieve the Weather Forecast
- Once you have the location key, use it to request the weather forecast data from the AccuWeather API forecast endpoint.
async function getWeatherForecast(locationKey) {
const forecastUrl = `${locationKey}?apikey=${apiKey}`;
try {
const response = await axios.get(forecastUrl);
const forecasts =;
return forecasts;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching weather forecast:', error);
return null;
Integrate and Use the Functions
- Create a main function to orchestrate the fetching of location keys and subsequent fetch of the weather data.
- Handle promises appropriately and display the results as per your application's needs.
async function displayWeatherForecast(city) {
const locationKey = await getLocationKey(city);
if (!locationKey) {
console.log('Invalid city or unable to retrieve location key.');
const forecasts = await getWeatherForecast(locationKey);
if (forecasts) {
console.log(`Weather forecasts for ${city}:`);
forecasts.forEach(forecast => {
console.log(`Date: ${forecast.Date}, Min: ${forecast.Temperature.Minimum.Value}°${forecast.Temperature.Minimum.Unit}, Max: ${forecast.Temperature.Maximum.Value}°${forecast.Temperature.Maximum.Unit}`);
// Example call
displayWeatherForecast('New York');