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Treatment Planning Sessions with Friend AI Necklace

Treatment Planning Sessions with Friend AI Necklace

July 17, 2024

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Treatment Planning Sessions with Friend AI Necklace

Primary Actor:

  • Oncologist

Secondary Actors:

  • Oncology Nurse
  • Patient
  • Patient's Family Member


  • Everyone involved, including the Oncologist, Patient, and possibly a family member, is wearing the Friend AI Necklace.
  • The AI Necklace is set up to recognize who’s talking.
  • All devices are connected to the clinic’s secure network and the electronic health record (EHR) system.

Main Flow:

Oncologist kicks things off:

  • The Oncologist starts the session by turning on the AI recording feature on their Friend AI Necklace.
  • The AI Necklace starts recording, keeping track of who says what.

Talking about the Diagnosis:

  • The Oncologist goes over the patient’s latest medical images and lab results.
  • They explain the diagnosis, making sure to break down any complicated medical jargon so the Patient and their family can understand.
  • As important terms come up, the AI Necklace picks them out and transcribes them into a simpler format.

Looking at Treatment Options:

  • The Oncologist talks about different treatment options like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery.
  • The AI Necklace organizes these options into a clear format, showing the pros and cons of each.
  • The Patient asks questions, and the AI Necklace logs and transcribes all the answers for later.

Creating a Personalized Treatment Plan:

  • The Oncologist, Nurse, and Patient work together to decide on the best treatment plan.
  • The AI Necklace records all the details, like dosage schedules, possible side effects, and follow-up appointments.
  • Any prescribed medications and their purposes are automatically tagged and highlighted in the transcription.

Wrapping Up the Plan:

  • The Oncologist goes over the agreed treatment plan to make sure everyone understands.
  • The AI Necklace finalizes the documentation and uploads it to the patient’s electronic health records so the clinic staff and the patient can easily access it.

After the Session:

  • The Oncology Nurse reviews the transcription and documentation to make sure everything is accurate.
  • The Patient and their Family Member get a digital copy of the session’s summary, which they can access through a secure link.
  • The AI keeps an eye out for any follow-up questions or concerns that come up after the session and alerts the relevant healthcare providers.


  • The treatment planning session is fully documented and securely stored.
  • Patients and their families have clear, easy-to-understand records of their treatment plans.
  • Oncologists and clinical staff have detailed records to refer to for ongoing treatment.

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Treatment Planning Sessions Key Success Factors

  • Effective Communication: Making sure everyone on the team can share their thoughts clearly and efficiently is super important. The Friend AI Necklace can help by recording conversations, so you can review them later and make sure everyone’s on the same page.

  • Agenda Management: Having a clear agenda for each meeting helps keep things on track. The Friend AI Necklace can organize and remind everyone about the topics up for discussion. No more "Wait, what were we talking about again?"

  • Timely Follow-ups: After the meeting, it’s crucial to assign tasks and track them to make sure everyone knows what they need to do and by when. The AI can send reminders and follow-up notifications to keep everyone on their toes.

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Keeping detailed records of what was decided, planned, and discussed is a must. The Friend AI Necklace can record and transcribe meetings, giving you an accurate log of everything that went down.

  • Participation and Engagement: Getting everyone to participate actively is key. Friend AI can monitor the discussion and make sure everyone gets a chance to speak, even giving a gentle nudge to those quieter folks to share their ideas.

  • Resource Management: Managing resources and time efficiently during meetings is crucial. The AI can track time and ensure discussions stay within the allocated periods for each agenda point. No more endless meetings!

  • Conflict Resolution: Handling disagreements calmly and constructively is essential. Friend AI can provide an unbiased record of discussions and highlight points of contention, making it easier to resolve conflicts smoothly.

  • Goal Alignment: Making sure everyone is on the same page about the objectives is vital. The AI can summarize key points of agreement and goals at the end of each session, so everyone knows what they’re working towards.

  • Feedback Loops: Regularly collecting feedback on how effective the meetings are and making necessary adjustments is important. The AI can send out surveys or queries after the meeting and compile the responses, helping you improve the process.

  • Data Privacy and Security: Protecting the confidentiality and privacy of sensitive information is non-negotiable. The Friend AI Necklace must ensure that all recordings and data are securely stored and only accessible to authorized personnel.

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